Explore "Long Days," a sculpture by Princess Pea that challenges traditional gender identities and celebrates femini...
Explore "Long Days," a sculpture by Princess Pea that challenges traditional gender identities and celebrates femininity, fertility, and heritage. Shop now at Behnaia to support female artisans in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Specs & Care
Ankudu Wood.
11in x 3.5in
Princess Pea is an anonymous Indian artist whose work investigates notions of gender identity and the self. Drawing from a variety of influences, from literature, mythology, crafts to contemporary politics and society, she is best known for her deeply evocative and collaborative performance and sculptural practice. “Each sculpture we put out into the world is an attempt to rewrite and challenge conventional notions of being and becoming a woman.” With her latest sculpture, "Long Days," a result of countless conversations between women, Princess Pea perpetuates a new narrative; living life with dignity. As an artist concerned for the wellbeing of the female artisans that she works with, this edition resonates with their shared pain, sacrifice, and resilience of being a woman. How would you normalize the blood? Her beautiful work sits at the intersection of art and advocacy. These pieces are beacons of strength for those who work to break stigma. They are gifts that celebrate the mark of femininity and fertility. They are everything we strive to represent and support at Behnaia. Princess Pea works hand-in-hand with a co-op of crafstwomen from Andhra Pradesh, India skilled at traditional wood carving and toy making. Our passion at Behnaia, lies in connecting heritage and design. From traditional artisans of bygone eras to emerging artists forging new paths, we are committed to sustaining craft and investing in the various communities it comes from. We are so excited to share this edition series from Princess Pea.